Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advice from a 20 month old

Most everyone knows I'm picture happy! My kid, your kid, your party, my yard, your barbeque, my car, on and on.... I just like pictures.  I think they tell a story, even when sometimes the words aren't there.  Sometimes I think they tell a better story, even when the words ARE there.    Every chance I get, I'm snapping a photo here or there for no apparent reason.  It's usually me that's the "documenter" of whatever group of people I'm with.

Sometimes I get lucky and get a really amazing shot.

And sometimes I blow it out the nose.

My point is that if I snap pictures all day, eventually I'm going to get a good one! 

So today I decided to document our day in pictures just to see what we came up with.  As I was looking through them, I decided each of them held some great advice....from a toddler point of view.

1)  Always keep an eye on your cheese.

Let's face it, your cheese is your power.  Only you know how your cheese should be lined up and only you know when it should be moved.  So putting your cheese in a very specific spot, with a very specific meaning adds to the beauty of the day!  P.S.  Friends can help of course !  aka Grover.  Yes I know someone wrote a book about this and it has merit!

2) Who cares what anyone else thinks?

Eating cinnamon bread in your undies (or diaper or panties or whatever) and a t-shirt with crazy hair on  Sunday morning may not be "the norm" but it certainly makes for a great morning!

3) Make your own way!

We don't care if you're going down the steps backwards to get to your destination.  The point is that you move your own way, at your own speed to your own beat.

4) Eat your fruit!

Fruit is Mother Earth's way of saying "I sure do love you!" enjoy it every day!  (and sometimes we can't wait for check-out so we just have to eat it right then!!)

5)  Nap as often as you can, with those you love.

To be snuggled in with someone that you love so deeply......well...there are just not words for that.

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