Thursday, September 20, 2012

Workin Wednesdays...Posted on a Thursday

We've had a family emergency that needed lots of attention, so information about therapy this week is a little behind.  

Overall it's been a good week for therapy.  Lots of work is being done and lots of progress is being made.  The developmental therapist that comes to the house writes this week...

"....really enjoyed coloring and became very engaged in it."
"Better with transitions without crying and stress."

Another session with "J" on Friday which I am hoping goes just as well.   I have no reason to believe it won't as long as she gets some good sleep in the night before.  (Yes, that's always a crap shoot!)

Occupational therapy with "A" on Wednesday was very physical.  I've learned now to put Nea's hair up in some way so that it doesn't fall in her face while she's flipping, jumping, turning, spinning, flying, etc. across the OT gym!

Nea's getting better with greeting "A" when she comes to the waiting room to get Nea.  She still hides her face a bit, but she will watch her with her eyes.   If you know this girl, you know that's a big step.  It's funny, she likes spending time with "A" and will keep eye contact with her, but initial meeting is still hard.

I sit in the rumpus room (that's what I call it) while "A" took her on a ride in the beanbag chair while riding on the scooter.  Then it was off to the ball pit.  I could hear Nea whining from time to time, so I know she was getting some stressors here and there.  Getting in the ball pit arms first seems to be a less than fun experience for her and she tries to avoid it.  Of course there's no way "A" is going to allow that. ;-)

Then it was a scooter ride like I've never seen!  This was a small brown scooter that "A" sat on and put Nea in front of her.  She then moved that scooter around and spinned it at the same time.  It reminded me of the carnival ride "the Scrambler."  She was turning AND spinning at the same time.  They were moving so fast, I couldn't even get a good picture!!  It was crazy and I thought I would puke just watching them.  But Nea had a smile on her face the whole time.

She ended all of that craziness with a bike ride, which of course is something Nea always enjoys.

Into the rumpus room (where I was waiting) and "A" had all kinds of things planned for her.

 This is a bowl with navy beans in it.  A great sensory exploration game that Nea actually had been exposed to in Fun Shop.  However, she avoided it like the plague and I never understood why.  Now that I understand she's a sensory kid, I guess it kinda makes sense.

She was hesitant at first about this play and fussed a bit.  But once she got a feel for it (no pun), she seemed to really enjoy it.  "A" was thrilled and took off her socks and shoes to get her feet in as well!  I think the plan next week is a bigger tub, because Nea wanted to sit in it all the way and really enjoy it!

The rumpus room has all sorts of amazing stuff in it with different levels, textures, heights, etc.  Through the tube, over the hill, across the mat, under the overhang.....all part of sensory integration.  Different surfaces teaches her body about space and proprioception.  

The tire swing was next on the docket, but we all know how that goes.  It just is a source of stress for her and she really starts flailing when "A" puts her in it.  She was crying so hard, and was so upset she actually said her first sentence!

After 2 or 3 spins in the tire swing, "A" finally stopped it and Nea reached out to hit her (oh my!) and screamed.......


"A" and I almost fell over.  We couldn't believe that she said a phrase, let alone THaT one!!  

Recognizing that Nea had reached a point of "can't take it any more" she went and got a different kind of swing.  Essentially it was a swing that you see at any park, but it has more boundaries for her body.  She's more enclosed and not have to worry about using her core to balance.  And oh how she enjoyed it!!

You have to understand "A" doesn't just swing you....she spins you and swings you and spins you the opposite direction just as fast.  Nea kept saying "weeeeee" the whole time and giggled and laughed. Good sensory integration (remember from my last post...that swinging thing is important) and she had an enjoyable time as well.  Win-win for everyone!!

Her speech therapy session went very well.  She listened well, had good scanning with her eyes, stayed engaged with Diana and repeated many words and phrases.  
We are still trying to incorporate the picture cards for communication.  It's a slow process and just takes lots of repetition.  Watching Diana is always a learning thing for me as well.  When trying to use the picture cards at home it was almost like they were toys to Nea and she didn't really get the concept.  Now we introduce them sort of like how we introduced signs.  So during this whole speech session Diana had some juice and fruit snacks.  Every time Nea reached for them, Diana would pull out the cards and and show her, repeating the phrases on them to make a sentence.

I      Want     Juice. 

Like I said, it's a process and is something we have to teach her so it takes time.  

Not every single day is a victory, but certainly we had many of them on this Workin Wednesday!

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